Friday, March 20, 2015

Kim Possible, Oh How I Miss You

I just ran across this article and oh god do I miss Kim Possible. By far it was the best Disney Channel show, not just when it was on but I would argue ever. Kim was a feminine, yet strong, smart young woman who could just be friends with a boy, came from a good home, and fought crime. Literally what wasn't possible for Kim Possible. I don't know what happened to Disney's television shows, maybe just becoming so politically correct, so afraid of violence, etc. means that shows like this can't be on the air. Also the writing though, the writers for Kim Possible were some of the sassiest writers I think Disney has ever seen. While modern Disney TV shows try to emulate this same sass, it just comes off as trying too hard. The jokes were, and after reading this Buzzfeed article I realized still are, genuinely funny. I will never laugh at a joke told my Austin and Ally in Austin and Ally. I miss it, and I will probably spend the rest of my Friday binge watching Kim Possible on Netflix.

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