Tuesday, March 10, 2015

If Disney Princesses Could Give Their Younger Selves Advice


This is a pretty great idea. The princesses do make mistakes and do have insecurities and it's really inspiring to see them give their earlier/younger selves advice on life that would've made their lives even better in the movie. Recently, I've started wishing I could've done the same. I was a really nervous/subdued middle-schooler and it fed into my high school years. Rather that being my real, quirky self I tried to conform to the interests of people I never really meshed with. I saw this quote on Pinterest that said "Die with memories not with wishes" and that is basically my mantra since getting to college: I want to be myself and experience everything so that I don't ever have the regret of never having tried something. If I regret doing something, I can move on. If I never gave something a chance, all I'll do is languish. Each person faces these kinds of regrets, of not doing something or of not being someone, and each of the princesses did, too. This'd be a nice addition to the princess-vien of Disney if it were targeted to middle-schoolers. A nice, positive, self-love type message to help them get through some of the toughest years of their young lives.

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