Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Some *Cute* Little Easter Eggs

You never really realize what a sick sense of humor some of the Disney animators have until you rematch the movies. Even then, you don't always catch their little Easter eggs. I was perusing Buzzfeed when I stumbled upon "25 WTF Disney Moments That Will Ruin Your Childhood," and figured, why not ruin my childhood? And they did, a little. I will definitely not be able to watch Jaq stack necklace beads on Gus Gus's tail with the same innocent, "Oh they're just working on a necklace!" understanding again. What I was more surprised by in the article is how probably 75% of the "childhood ruining" moments were sexual. They seemed to miss a lot of the more violent ones, for example I linked another Buzzfeed article that shows the striking resemblance between Scar's addressing the hyenas and Hitler addressing the Nazi SS soldiers. It's true that realizing the sexual relationships between the Disney characters are a little shocking, but I don't think they're any more scaring that the violent scenes and relationships which seem to be more easily accepted. If anything, the sexual relationships are just something that the adults watching these films with their kids are used to seeing or have experienced themselves so they should be less "childhood ruining," than watching he hyena's eat a zebra leg in the lion king (which is what they do, and I didn't realize that until I watched the movie last night in my common room) or watching Scar throw his brother off a cliff while his young nephew is watching. That was strikingly violent and changed my memory of the movie. I don't know which really is worse for children to see. I'm leaving it up to my readers to ultimately decide for themselves. Check out the article in my list of links on the side bar.

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